Thursday 20 June 2019

Research Portfolio

Primary Research: This is a good example of Primary Research because I am collecting data first hand about something that I have created. I am directly asking people who have watched it for feedback so that I can determine if it is a good advert or not. These are the responses I got to the questionnaire. These are a good example of primary research because they are first hand data that I have collected by designing a questionnaire myself. These are results that I got by researching myself.

These are two examples of Interviews I have conducted. These were for my 3MW documentary "The Golden Mile". I was interviewing them to find out about their memories of Great Yarmouth Seafront and in turn was collecting the data first hand, making it primary. This is a very good example for primary research, because I was out there talking directly to the people, getting the information to myself and then also delivering it to the viewers by the camera being there. This is my pre-production from my 3MW documentary and this is a good example of Primary Research. Particularly the Location Recces and Releases and the Talent Releases. This is because I had to go out and explore these locations myself to find out which ones would be suitable and provide the best coverage for the film. I also had to go out and find the talent myself by asking around to see who knew about The Golden Mile, who was there and who experienced it in it's heyday.
Secondary Research:

I had to re-brand a unilever product for my advert unit. For this I wanted to make an advert where I re-branded Impulse body spray to Men and in order to do so I first had to understand their advertising techniques. This is the prezi I used to pitch my idea and by completing this it shows clear examples of secondary research when using their existing adverts as a basis for what the brand is about. Similarly I had to research about the brand and unilever and these all came from secondary sources, because people had already done the research and published it.  To understand adverts as a whole, I had to pick an advert to analyse. For this I chose the EE advert with Kevin Bacon and Britney Spears. This is a good example of secondary research because I am using a pre-existing advert to better my understanding of TV adverts. I am using this piece of media that somebody has already created to benefit my research, making it a secondary source.  The research from my corporate videos unit was largely secondary. I had to use the internet and the resources given by the client in order to properly research their organisation and what they were about. By finding all of this information it allowed me to give them that recognition in the video, as well as to get more of an impression ascetically about how it should look visually based from that information. Finally, this Research Dossier from my 3MW Documentary is a good example for second research, because it shows where the secondary sources of information come from, as well as using them to further my understanding and knowledge of The Golden Mile. These helped me to form a lot of the questions I asked when writing the questions for my interviews, because from other accounts of what was happening in Yarmouth at the time, I could then ask the interviewees their involvement with those accounts and the happenings within them. 

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